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4: Using GraphQL to Change Data

4.1 Using a Mutation

We couldn’t create a tutorial with GraphQL without doing at least one mutation.

Let’s create a mutation to insert tasks, and once more start with the server side. We’ll insert a save function inside the TasksCollection object, so we can use it in more than one place.


const tasksCollection = Object.assign(new Mongo.Collection('tasks'), {
  save({ text, userId }) {
    const newTaskId = this.insert({
      createdAt: new Date(),
    return this.findOne(newTaskId);

export { tasksCollection as TasksCollection }

In this way, you can insert as many functions as you want into the collection object, and the cool part, besides calling those functions from everywhere, is that the context of the this is your collection. So instead of calling TasksCollection.insert or TasksCollection.findOne you can call this.insert or this.findOne, respectively.

Now we can use the save function in a mutation. Let’s create this mutation.


const TaskSchema = `
  type Mutation {
    addTask(text: String!): Task

const TaskResolvers = {
  Mutation: {
    addTask(root, {text}, {userId}) {
      if (!userId) {
        return null;
      return TasksCollection.save({text, userId});

Now we can update the TaskForm to use our new mutation.


import React, { useState } from 'react';
import gql from "graphql-tag";
import { useMutation } from "@apollo/react-hooks";

const taskMutation =  gql`
  mutation AddTask($text: String!) {
    addTask(text: $text) {

export const TaskForm = () => {
  const [addTaskMutation] = useMutation(taskMutation);
  const [text, setText] = useState('');

  const handleSubmit = e => {

    if (!text) return;

      variables: {
      refetchQueries: () => ['Tasks']
      .then(() => console.log('Task added with success'))
      .catch(e => console.error('Error trying to add task', e));


You can notice some things in this code. The first one is that we don’t need to call the function refetch anymore when adding a task. Now we can use the prop refetchQueries and to refetch queries when the mutation is called. The name Tasks used here is the same name used in our tasks query.

Another thing you may notice is that the function addTaskMutation is a Promise, so we can use call the functions then and catch to do some action when the function succeeds or fails. In our case, we are just showing logging messages when something happens.

4.2 Fixing Tests

If you try to add a task now, everything should be working now, but before we wrap up, let’s do some cleaning.

First, you can stop providing the function refetch to the component <TaskForm /> inside App.jsx. Also, remove the method tasks.insert from tasksMethods., as we don’t need it anymore.

After removing this method, try to run the tests by stopping your app and running:

meteor test --once --driver-package meteortesting:mocha

You’ll notice that the test can insert new tasks will fail as we don’t have the method tasks.insert anymore. This can be easily fixed by just calling TasksCollection.save instead of trying to call the method.


if (Meteor.isServer) {
  describe('Tasks', () => {
    describe('methods', () => {
      it('can insert new tasks', () => {
        const text = 'New Task';
        TasksCollection.save({ text, userId });

        const tasks = TasksCollection.find({}).fetch();
        assert.equal(tasks.length, 2);
        assert.isTrue(tasks.some(task => task.text === text));

Review: you can check how your code should be in the end of this step here

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